How Connor went from feeling uninspired to believing he can achieve anything!
Are you struggling with low self confidence? Are you lacking the motivation to make a start on your goals, or do you just feel like you don't have the belief that you can even achieve them anyway?
Today I want to share with you Connor's story as these are the main challenges he had when he first reached out to me.

"I came to Lewis with what I wanted and he has really helped push me in the direction I wanted to go in!"
As you can see from the picture above there is a noticeable different in the way Connor looks, but this transformation goes way deeper than what you can see on the surface.
When Connor first came to me he felt like he was "limiting his potential" saying that since the lockdowns he'd lost all motivation and found it really hard to get back into the routine of going to the gym. He would often try to get started again, but could never really get going, which was leaving him feeling frustrated as he knew what he wanted but was unsure on how to get there.
He came to me with a goal and it was then about laying down the plan. The first stage was to get him consistently training in the gym, Connor's 'stop-start' nature in the past was down to him trying to do too much from the outset, so a simple goal of training in the gym twice a week with me was a sensible start point.
"Getting into the gym just twice a week really helped me get into a routine that I couldn't get into before and since working with Lewis I have become a lot more confident and consistent in going to the gym. This has helped a lot as I am now in the routine of going to the gym 5 times a week, which is helping me a lot mentally and physically."
This is such an important lesson for anyone just starting out. Don't try to do too much at the start. Yes, 5 sessions a week might sound like a great idea in theory, but if you can't even exercise twice a week consistently then how can you expect to do 5 straight away? Start small and then build from there.

"Looking back at my starting pictures now I feel a lot more confident and motivated"
Connor has also gotten a hell of a lot stronger since we've been working together, he's lifting more weight each time he steps in the gym and he's much more comfortable with each exercise he's performing which is a massive confidence boost for him. The main thing though is that HE FEELS GOOD.

"Lewis has shown me how good it feels to get results and how much better it makes you feel to train and exercise even when you don't necessarily want to"
The main challenges for Connor were at the start of his journey which is very common "it was hard to get into the routine and also cut down on my unhealthy eating". Together we overcame these challenges by making small changes to his diet and exercise routine that weren't too overwhelming. This meant Connor was still able to enjoy his social life and make progress at the same time.
The main lesson from Connor's story is that with the right support you can achieve anything you want. "The biggest thing I've learnt with Lewis is that if you want to do it you can and he is there the whole way to push you and keep you on track".
Connor also had this to say:
"Overall, Lewis has shown me how good of a personal trainer he is. He has gone the extra step for me, messaging me even when we don't have a session to see how my eating and training is going and making sure I stay on track which has really helped to keep me motivated and I can't appreciate him enough for that!"
I'm super proud of what Connor has been able to achieve in our time together, and it goes to show that if you put the work in and stay consistent then you can achieve whatever you set your mind to. I'm happy that I've got him to a place where he's confident enough to continue his journey alone, which is a huge compliment for me as a coach.
Could you achieve results like this in 2023?
Hit the link below if you'd like to find out more about joining my coaching team and I look forward to speaking to you.